National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day will be taking place on April 28th, 2018 from 10 am to 2 pm. All across the United States, there will be stations for the public to safely dispose of any kinds of prescription medication.
Help protect your family and community. As the opioid crisis continues, it is important to dispose of any unused or old prescription medications properly to avoid the risk of them being misused. Those who become addicted to opioid painkillers are 40x more likely to become addicted to heroin and 75% of individuals with a heroin addiction started with using prescription pain killers. Do some spring cleaning in your medicine cabinets and get rid of expired or unused medicine!
To find the location nearest you, click this link:
If you are unable to drop off your prescription medication on the 28th and live in the Northern Virignia area, you can now safely dispose of your old and unused prescription drugs at a medicine disposal drop box. The box is located in the West Springfield police station (6140 Rolling Rd. Springfield, VA). It will be open 24/7 for you to anonymously drop off your prescription.
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