Friends and Relatives Embracing Addicts and Kicking the Stigma
The shame of addiction is just as dangerous as the disease itself, because it keeps people suffering alone in the shadows, ashamed to ask for help.
Stigma thrives on secrecy, so we must bring it out into the light where it can be properly addressed. F.R.E.A.K.S. came into being because people with addiction sometimes say they feel like freaks for their condition. Well we are taking that word back and turning into something to be proud of.
We fly our F.R.E.A.K.S. flags and buttons at running events, conferences, awareness tables and anywhere else we can get people to listen!
We want to hear your stories! How you have been affected by the stigma, how you overcome it, how you fight for your loved one with addiction. Stories have so much power!! Contact us with your story today and help stomp the stigma.

We regularly host screenings of this powerful, stigma-fighting, documentary. It is a gripping look at what living with addiction really means and what the disease has done to this country. Contact us if you are interested in bringing a screening to your area/school/event. Watch the trailer: